Message From Chairman

Chairman of the Board

In the past year 2020, DEMCO Public Company Limited, “DEMCO”, faced a challenge from the corona virus disease epidemic situation (COVID-19) that has had widespread impact on all business sectors such as natural resource, energy supply and public utilities business group, construction and service business group, etc. and caused the challenges in the competitive market, disruptive technology, increasingly severe social and environmental crises. These effects have been motivating DEMCO to improve quickly by turning the crises into opportunity by restructuring of the organization to be more flexible, operational efficiency improvement, new technology utilization and human resource development, especially about the knowledge of modern technology to increase the potential of DEMCO to be able to compete both domestic and international markets. In the coming year 2021, DEMCO has launched out strategies to increase profit margins, maintain core business market share, expand businesses those extended from existing businesses and expand new business, including to develop organizational potential along with providing importance to good corporate governance by focus on sustainable economic, social and responsibly environmental results with strong determination that shall lead the organization to sustainable success. DEMCO has announced the policy “2021: Year of the Innovation” to develop the working potential to be more efficient according to the changing of social conditions. However, DEMCO does not only take into account sole profit or economic growth but also evolve good corporate governance and efficient risk management while taking care for the responsibilities to stakeholders thorough the social and environmental value chain. This is to develop the Company’s competitiveness potential and to create immune to face with rapidly changing factors or VUCA that impacting and to ensure that DEMCO business Group has a strong basement which be able to overcome the problems and obstacles. And exactly, we still go on developing our organization to be sustainable continuously in various situations.

Finally, on behalf of DEMCO’s Boards of Directors, we would like to say thanks to our shareholders, business partners and all stakeholders who always support and believe in DEMCO business group including thank to the managements and DEMCO’s employees for their contributions and dedications fully made to their works to surmount the crisis stably and sincerely hope that we all will continue to support each other and growing together with DEMCO.

Chairman of the Board